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Cabaret luncheon show

Would you prefer to come for a lunchtime show in Paris?

Take advantage of the Oh! César lunch-and-show package. Whether you’re a duo, a group of friends, a group of colleagues or a family, spend a unique moment in the middle of the day in a Paris cabaret.

Called “Matinée du Oh! César”, this lunchtime show offers a rich program for a successful lunch in Paris! Take the time to savor our chef’s meal, and let yourself be surprised by a purely Cabaret show in Paris: dancing, humor, visual attractions, orchestrated by our Master of Ceremonies. Enter the world of our New Cabaret Revue in Paris: “Oh! César”, during your lunchtime show.

What our customers say

They’ve just come back… and want to share their experience with you!

Head of CRE RATP Events Department

“ On behalf of CRE RATP, I’d like to thank everyone involved in making it possible for us to offer 1,400 retirees an original lunch and a show combining humor and artistic performance. I would also like to point out that the seven shows organized in this warm and welcoming venue were of the same high quality, with impeccable reception and service. Thank you again for your professionalism and warm welcome. ”



As you can see, the Oh! César is the ideal place to go out in Paris!

Take advantage of a visit to our beautiful capital to discover a legendary Cabaret